Words Only My Heart Speaks

Words Only My Heart Speaks

There are words only my heart speaks. What my fingers type across my screen is what my soul wants to whisper into your soul. In my everyday life, it’s difficult for me to have deep conversations with spoken words. 

I am a thinker and an introvert. I am a lover of people – most of the time I like to love from a distance. Then, there are people who come into my life that I cannot deny will be part of my tribe for years. 

Most of my closest friendships have been developed over time –

Low and Slow.

I didn’t come running out of the gate like a prize winning horse and neither did they. 

It’s like putting a roast in a crockpot. Those damn things take forever. It starts out tough then in time… all the juices soak in and the roast comes out tender and melts in your mouth. (But not in my mouth because I don’t eat that anymore. Hahaha!)

I’m generally a one friend at a time person. It takes a long time for me to let anyone into my inner circle and I’m extremely selective on who I spend my time with. I have to develop trust so I can be deeply vulnerable. Vulnerable enough to be able to trust sharing the words only my heart speaks. 

I don’t do that with just anyone. 

I’m already pretty vulnerable here, with my written words. Imagine what vulnerabilities only my tribe gets to see. I’m sure we are all very similar… 

some of us hide what keeps us awake at night. 

These low and slow friendships are the kind of friendships that speak to my heart.

I live for genuine connection and deep conversations. 

I have a friend who I met 6 years ago. We worked in the same salon. I immediately loved her. She had tattoos and dreadlocks. She wore hippie clothes and didn’t give two shits about what anyone thought of her. 

It was destined to be. 

We got along at work but never took our relationship to the next level.

I quit that job. So did she, and we both went our separate ways. 

Then one day I ran into her at Winco. The next week we had coffee. And now – we are planning to start a whole new chapter in our lives – working towards launching a new business. 

She is my mental health buddy and one of my biggest cheerleaders. We are on very similar journeys in working through some difficult events that have shaped our lives. She helps me see the bigger picture and I help her. 

It’s a beautiful friendship. 

Right now I am also working on fostering a friendship with a 60 year old goddess. She is literally me – 28 years from now. I feel like there is hope for me yet. 

She is an author, and an amazing human with great wisdom. So far we have had one coffee date and in that hour – I knew that I wanted to invest more time with her. 

Is it weird how we kind of have to date friends to find the right fit? Or am I the only one who does this? I really have to dip my toes in for quite some time before I commit. 

Some friendships could last a lifetime, while others serve their purpose and run their course. These friendships are not any less meaningful. In my life I have had many beautiful friendships that have run their course and I still love them just the same. 

Some people are pages in our story of life, others are chapters. Some are whole books, while others could be a never ending series. 

I have always been a quality over quantity person when it comes to friendships. All the friendships I have that developed low and slow each had at least four books to the story or more.

Every chapter of our lives can tell a different story – as we as the main characters grow into different people.

My low and slow friendships survived at least four different versions of my character. 

I am a series in which every book – my character is a different person. 

Interesting to think of life like that.


All the loves, 


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