What is the Right Timing?

What is the Right Timing?
Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

I have these cards called Inquiry cards. I use them often. They ask me questions like… What Can I Change? Then I meditate with the intention of feeling that question.  

These questions are not so much for your thinking self, but for your feeling self. Tonight I got a card that said: 

What is the Right Timing? 

I have been talking about taking off and moving to another country. So much so, my loved ones are becoming concerned because they think I am going to do something irrational. Which I don’t blame them for, I have spent many years of my life doing irrational things. 

However, this isn’t one of my spur of the moment decisions. This is something that I am setting a goal for myself. There is a right timing for the things I want. I just need to build the groundwork first. 

I had a mental breakdown of sorts one day. (Not really, but everyone thought I had) I told my boss that I was leaving in September for three months to go live in Costa Rica. My mom freaked, my wife freaked, my brother called me super concerned that I had lost my mind. 

I told all of them it was in fact the opposite. I have actually just found what has been lost. 


Because I have children, I can’t pick up and leave tomorrow like I would love to do. No, I need to prepare and lay the seed so I can harvest it later. 

I learned from my boss lady to play the long game. Put out little seeds of intention and watch them grow until I am ready to pick a full blown bouquet.

What is the right timing for this? 

 I guess it will present itself naturally. 

This question could be beneficial for you to feel about. 

Are there things you have been putting off? 

Do you feel like something is missing? 

Are there experiences you want to have? 

Do you want to start something new or create a new business? 

There are an abundant amount of questions I could ask you right now. 

The ultimate question at the end of the day, is what is the right timing? 

What can you do to prepare to manifest your intentions? Do you need to lay the seeds? 

What is the right timing?

I am extremely anxious about wanting to accomplish what I set out to do. However, the timing is not right – at least not right now. 

But there are actions I can take in preparation for my new life. 

Sticking a pin in it and being thoughtfully productive might feel like torture. However, playing the long game and being particular with how I spend my time the next little while; will ultimately help me be successful in what I set out to do. 

Hey Fam… 

I’m not going crazy – I have only just now found my sanity. 

Something I have been looking for. 

It turned up where I least expected – it became clear when I completely surrendered. 

Surrendering felt scary to me before. Not feeling like I had control was not something that I vibed with. None of us really have control over anything.

Control is an illusion

I used to hold onto my life with white knuckles. Planning, sorting, controlling any outcome I could. When it came to the big important scary things – I always had a plan. 

I knew what I wanted my life to look like 3  months, 6 months, even a year down the road. Oh I had plans. I had an exuberant amount of plans – they never manifested. But I had them nonetheless. 

When they didn’t manifest I would then go into a depressive state at the loss of the life I had envisioned. 

I have mourned and grieved over several different lives I never lived. I had already had these lives mapped out – then always without warning …


I suppose the timing wasn’t right. 

What I know now – is there were bigger things planned for me that I never thought possible. 

When I completely surrendered –

I felt them in my soul. 

It’s about making connections, networking, creating, loving, working hard, and allowing. I don’t know what is going to happen next and I don’t have a desire to try to figure it out. 

Whatever is coming my way will be grand. Regardless of what it is. And it may look different from whatever I have imagined. 

All I know is it doesn’t feel good to mourn something that never manifested in my reality in the first place. 

See what I mean about these cards. 

I had no clue what I was going to write about next. This card hit me right in my feels. 

What is the right timing for you? 

What are you waiting for? 

I’m waiting…. 

I’m waiting for the opportunities to arrive. While I wait I am manifesting the feeling of peace, which will lead me to greatness…  I feel it. 

I wish you peace and good timing my friend. 

All the loves, 


    • Kacey Rae

      Thank You Miss Kim!!! I’m excited!!!

I would love to hear your feedback. Let me know what insights you may have.