Hello there!

My name is Kacey, welcome to my blog! I believe I am your average everyday person,

doing this thing we call life.


I am the mother to three beautiful, and at times difficult, boys.

I am the wife to a beautiful woman who loves and supports all my crazy ideas.

As you can imagine two women, raising three boys, our house is somewhat of a

chaotic mess

most of the time and I’m okay with that. I created this blog because I wanted to share my experiences along the way.

I am a self proclaimed

Hot Mess on a Spiritual Journey.

A wanderer, a hippie, and a gypsy at heart. A real life person that has trials and hardships.

I try my hardest to see the lessons in most everything I experience. It is my hope that by sharing my stories, the people who find their way to my blog will have a little comfort that they are not alone.

“Hard is hard,” I always say. My life isn’t any harder than yours and vice versa, just different.

I do not have any special certifications, I do not have a degree. I am just a real person, learning real lessons, and trying to better myself everyday.

Since finding meditation I have found my way out of depression episodes that controlled my life.

I feel like I have a fairly good handle on my anxiety. I am amazed with how far I have come and I will honestly tell you it all started to fall into place when I started my regular mediation practice. Click here to read more about that.

This is me, on a spiritual journey.

Raw, uncensored, and vulnerable.

All the loves,