How Adopting a Minimalist Mindset has Changed My Perspective

How Adopting a Minimalist Mindset has Changed My Perspective
Photo by Rémi Müller on Unsplash

I am in the process of adopting a minimalist mindset, and holy shitballs – I sold my car two weeks ago! It wasn’t just any ol’ car either. Her name was Gertrude. She was the first car I had bought brand new, never been driven, 10 miles on her tops. I bought her all by myself, with my own credit and my own big girl money. I called her my spaceship car. Gertrude had all the bells and whistles. I was so proud of myself and cried in gratitude while I drove home in my new toy. 

About a year ago I decided that I wanted to try to adopt a minimalist mindset. We were moving, so naturally I was geared up and ready to part with a bunch of items anyway. However, I never would have imagined that I would have parted with so many of my cherished belongings. 

This journey of adopting a minimalist mindset has changed my perspective.

I sold the desk where I wrote my book and returned stones, feathers, and other nature momentos to the earth. I parted with a bunch of furniture that I had refurbished. The selling part was never my strong suit. I always intended to sell the furniture when I was done, but fell in love with each piece and couldn’t part with them.

Three truck loads of stuff went to my local thrift store and I sold at least $1,500 worth of big items. Moving was still a hassle. I couldn’t believe how many things I had, even after I had given up so much. 

Flash forward to today. 

I came down with the dreaded Covid last month. I have asthma and was actually quite concerned that if I was to ever get covid I would end up in the hospital. Thankfully I didn’t get as sick as I thought. I did, however, get to spend 5 whole days in my room pondering my whole existence. 

While I layed there concerned that at any moment my lungs would fail me and I would have to go to the hospital, I had a change in perspective. 

It was during these 5 days that I realized I wasn’t living my life the way that I wanted. I want to travel and do not want to be attached to things or ideas. I want to do what I want until I don’t want to do it anymore. To accomplish these goals, I knew that I couldn’t have material things weighing me down. 

I want to have financial freedom to have the experiences I want to have – instead of belongings.

My eyes are open to a whole new world. It’s as if I am a child exploring my surroundings for the first time. I am hungry for adventure. 

A couple days after I recovered, I decided that I was going to sell my car, part with even more of my belongings and set the intention of being completely debt free in less than a year. 

I sold my car just a few days later and had a brief cry of sadness and fear while I rode the train home. Waiting for the train for an hour in the cold was not my favorite experience. I was not dressed properly for the weather and found myself getting extremely anxious, impatient, and irritated; just to name a few emotions that flooded my body while I waited for the train. 

I noticed another gentleman walking back and forth across the platform. Never stopping, never slowing down. It dawned on me that he was trying to keep warm. I started doing the same. 

While I walked, I gave myself a pep talk. 

Hey Kac, this is going to be a mighty difficult adventure if one hour in you are already feeling salty about the inconvenience of not having a car. 

I had no other option than to change my thought process and choose to adopt the mindset of an explorer. What do explorers do when “bad” shit comes their way? They handle it and move onto their next adventure. 

Kac, you got this. You literally signed up for this. You wanted to be a minimalist for growth and adventure. This is exactly what you need. Now act like the warrior goddess that you are! 

The cool thing is, with all the prices so outrageously high, I sold my car for just as much as I bought it for and it was 4 years old! The money I am saving I am able to actually start a savings account, like for real real this time. I have lived paycheck to paycheck my whole life. Actually having a savings account is going to feel like the clouds in the sky parted above me while sun rays shine on my face. 

I thought that when I sold my car I would feel like I had lost my freedom. It is just the opposite actually. I feel like I have gained so much more. I feel like I have more freedom and confidence. My critical thinking and problem solving skills are off the chain right now. Issues, problems, inconveniences – yup experienced all of those the last couple weeks. 

It’s fine. I got this. 

I’m working towards a goal of being able to live off grid or in a different country for at least 6 months out of the year. I want to get out there and LIVE and experience things I never thought that I would. 

I am a wanderer – I have felt like I have been suffocated for years. Parting ways with so many things that I loved was difficult at first. I cried over the belongings that I gave away. I cried about abandoning Gertrude. All my adventure stickers were placed with so much care on her hind end. 

Hell, I guess I just have to go back to all of those places and get more stickers and put them somewhere safer next time. 

For a moment, I was sad about having less.

Then it got easier. 

I even let go of most of my wardrobe. It’s a breeze getting ready when I only have a handful of clothes to pick from. (I also have dreads, so I don’t even have to do my hair!)  I get to spend more time in the morning doing what I want instead of being concerned with the clothes I am going to put on my body.  

Who knew that having less would make me feel like I had the world at my fingertips waiting for me to discover it. 

Last night I booked a flight to Hawaii to stay with a friend I haven’t seen in years. I squealed in excitement! You see, I have only been out of my home state a handful of times and never have I been to Hawaii! I am going by myself. 

For myself. 

I want to sit by the ocean with my little toes curled in the sand and journal. My friend told me shelling was her way of meditating, I’m anxious to try it.  

On my way home I have a 20 hour layover in San Diego (that I chose on purpose) and I’m going to stay in a hostel! I have always wanted to do that. I will be sharing a room with 4 strangers. 

How cool is that? 

The home is painted all the colors of the pride flag and sits right on the beach. I am so ecstatic I have tears forming in my eyes! I’m for sure gonna step up my selfie game for this awesome photo op! 

I am already hatching plans for my next far away adventure. Peru sounds nice. I want to meditate on top of Machu Picchu. This has been a goal of mine for over 9 years, I think this year will be the year.

Next step – work on getting a passport. 

Letting go of everything, helped me gain sight of what it is that I truly want in this life; and this is to explore the world and meet other adventurous souls.

I want to have less so I can truly have more.

Adopting a minimalist mindset has changed my perspective about my whole existence.

Only time will tell, but I think this new way of living will open more doors for me. I no longer want to choose to struggle and paddle upstream trying to keep my head above water in this fast paced world. 

I’m looking forward to living a slower paced life. 

In 30 days I will be able to wake up and walk to the beach with my tea in hand and the sea air kissing my face. Oh what a joyous day that will be. Until then, I am going to try to adopt an explorers mindset in my everyday life. 

I am hungry for change and welcoming any new experiences that come my way. I don’t have to be on a beach in a far away land to appreciate the sunset, I can do that from anywhere. All I have to do is look.

All the loves,


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